Time was at hand for Israel to go in and triumphantly possess the Promised Land, but first Moses wanted to be sure they were aware of the dangers in pride and self-righteousness. They were to know that since the people in the land of Canaan were much larger and stronger than they (9:1-2), victory could be accomplished only through the mighty power of God (9:3), not by their own strength. The Lord has said: “My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor.12:9). We, the Lord’s creation, are weak vessels, but we can be made strong and be over comers when His strength works through us. Yet, once God’s power and strength has been revealed through us, we must be careful to give Him all the glory and take none for ourselves.
Another danger for Israel, and a terribly wrong assumption, was in believing that God would give them possession of the land because they were more righteous than any others. Moses gave them various examples of their past failure to show that the opposite was true. He also told them how they had been rebellious against God and had provoked Him ever since He had brought them out of Egypt (9:7). The main illustration used to reveal to Israel their covenant by worshipping the golden calf. Moses explained that had it not been for his intercession on more than one occasion, they would have been destroyed by God, since they had proven themselves unworthy of their high calling. In fact, the repeated examples of their unworthiness served to show all the more the great love, mercy, and faithfulness of God toward them.
Moses made clear the reasons why Israel was to possess the Promised Land: because of the wickedness of the people then living in the land (cf. Gen.15:16) and because of God’s faithfulness in keeping His promise to the Patriarchs. Israel was to realize that the land God was giving them was an unmerited gift of grace and not because they deserved it. Thank the Lord for His wonderful grace, that undeserved favor which He had also granted to those who enjoy the covenant relationship with Him today. Just as Moses assured the Israelites of their possession of Canaan, we too are assured through God’s Word that we will one day inherit the heavenly Canaan, not through our own merit, but through the righteousness and strength of Jesus Christ, to who belongs all the glory. It is just the same with God’s gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Eph.2:9-9).
Moses desired to see the people of the Lord living in proper relationship with their God, and thus enter the Promised Land and enjoy the blessings of the covenant. He repeatedly stressed what was expected of them as the Lord’s chosen people. The key verse for today’s reading is a complete and concise statement of what was, and still is, expected by God of His people. Just as He loves His chosen ones, we in turn are to love, fear, serve, obey, and cling to Him (10:20). We are to cast away anything that might hinder us from doing this and internalize the Law of God upon our hearts (10:16; cf. Romans 2:29). The end result will be for our own good (10:13), and that is life more abundant while we are yet on this earth and the ultimate result… everlasting life in glory!