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A62-902 |
°ß¤@ªº¸ô¡HOne Way? Leighton Ford |
Is Jesus Christ the only way to God? The answer can be found in the Bible, God¡¦s Word. ¡§Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be save¡¨(Acts 4:12). Jesus Himself said, ¡¨I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me¡¨(John 14:6)
The Way
Jesus did not just claim to show the way to God. He said, ¡§I am the way¡KNo one comes to the Father except through Me.¡¨ In other words, He claims to be the one and only way to a personal relationship with God as Father.
When a Christian says that Jesus is the only way, he¡¦s saying that all people¢wChristians, Buddhists, or agnostics¢ware in the same fix. We have all failed God¡¦s perfect standards. And actually, by whatever standard we live, we have all failed our own ideals.
The claim of Biblical Christianity is that God has done for us through Jesus Christ what we cannot do for ourselves. Religion is man trying to get to God; Jesus Christ is God building a bridge to man.
The one really unique thing about Christianity is that God became man, died for us, and now freely offers us forgiveness and righteousness. Salvation is not something we achieve. It is something we receive as a gift. Otherwise it would be arrogant to say, ¡§I have been saved.¡¨ We are saved when we trust in Jesus and begin a personal relationship with Him.
The Truth
Jesus made another unique claim: ¡§I am the truth.¡¨ Some today would call Him intolerant, for many worship at the shrine of tolerance. But even tolerance has limits. People are entitled to their own viewpoint, but tolerance cannot mean that all points of view are equally true. If two plus two is four, the total cannot also be seven. It is not intolerant to say that only one answer is correct.
Most eastern religions are pantheistic. They say that God is everything, that God and the universe are identical. The Bible, on the other hand, speaks of the infinite personal Creator who made all things separate from and outside Himself. Both views cannot be right. Christians also say Jesus is the Son of God who died and rose from the dead. Muslims deny these claims. Both cannot be right. Sincerity is important. But sincerity does not guarantee truth.
The Life
Jesus also claimed, ¡§I am the life.¡¨ In this, too, He is unique. Many people say, ¡§My religion is the golden rule.¡¨ From Confucius on, great teachers¢wincluding Jesus¢whave taught that we should do for others what we want others to do for us. But only Jesus offers, not merely a set of ideals, but the power to live as we should.
Christianity is not a do-it-yourself proposition. It is God offering to give us the life-giving power of His Spirit, to free us from the vicious cycle of sin and death (Romans 8:2)
The claims of Jesus may sound authoritative, staggering. Jesus alone claimed to embody the truth that sets men free. Was He correct when He said, ¡§I am the truth¡¨? If not, He is a liar. If so, He is unique.
I believe He is unique! He is unique in His teaching. He is unique in His death and resurrection. He is the only one to die, come back physically, and live today (Revelation 1:18)
If Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, then He deserves our total commitment. He is the only way to God¢wor He is nothing. What is He to you?
Leighton Ford

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