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司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning

經文: 「耶穌說,我已經告訴你們,我就是。你們若找我,就讓這些人去吧!」(約翰福音十八:8)

        看哪,耶穌關懷門徒之情溢於言表,即使在祂即將被捕受刑的前一刻,祂仍對祂的羊群,照顧得無微不至,這種無私的情操大愛,是何等強列如火,連眾水都澆不熄。祂視死如歸,無懼仇敵當前,但祂卻以權威的口吻,要那些拘捕的人放過祂的門徒。而耶穌自己,像剪羊毛人手下的綿羊,逆來順受默不作聲;但為了門徒的緣故,祂就挺身而出,以全能者的身份,大聲地為門徒們講情。這是一種天長地久,堅貞不二的無私之愛。         再深入探討這節經文,我們豈不就像文中那些該覺歉疚的門徒?好牧人為羊捨命,卻叫羊群得以安然脫身。耶穌為世人償還罪債,滿足上帝公義的要求,而讓世人得以免除永死的刑罰。就像摩西帶領色列人出埃及時,對法老王說:「讓他們去吧!」被贖的信徒應該脫去撒旦與罪惡的捆綁,得著真自由。因為當我們宣告耶穌在十架上完成的功勞,以及祂的得勝,那原來踩在我們脖子上的撒旦,就會嚇得拔起雙腿,落荒而逃。陰間的勢力也無法勝過我們,死亡聽到救主的聲音,也要打開墳墓之門,讓聖者出來。信靠耶穌者所走的道路,是一條榮耀凱旋的光明大道。清晨的花鹿雖曾吸引獵人的垂涎,但如今卻倘徉在溪水邊,安詳地吃那綠色的嫩草。烏雲之後有陽光,十架背後有榮耀,錫安之旅的朝聖客,必永不被惡者打敗,也不被復仇之箭射中。來吧,信徒們,為救主所賜的安全堡壘歡欣快樂吧,為祂大有能力的保守而每天感恩不斷吧!
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Morning, March 26
Scripture: “Jesus said unto them, If ye seek me, let these go their way.”(John 18:8)

        Mark, my soul, the care which Jesus manifested even in his hour of trial, towards the sheep of his hand! The ruling passion is strong in death. He resigns himself to the enemy, but he interposes a word of power to set his disciples free. As to himself, like a sheep before her shearers he is dumb and opened not his mouth, but for his disciples’ sake he speaks with almighty energy. Herein is love, constant, self-forgetting, faithful love. But is there not far more here than is to be found upon the surface? Have we not the very soul and spirit of the atonement in these words? The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, and pleads that they must therefore go free. The Surety is bound, and justice demands that those for whom he stands a substitute should go their way. In the midst of Egypt's bondage, that voice rings as a word of power, “Let these go their way.” Out of slavery of sin and Satan the redeemed must come. In every cell of the dungeons of Despair, the sound is echoed, “Let these go their way,” and forth come Despondency and Much-afraid. Satan hears the well-known voice, and lifts his foot from the neck of the fallen; and Death hears it, and the grave opens her gates to let the dead arise. Their way is one of progress, holiness, triumph, glory, and none shall dare to stay them in it. No lion shall be on their way, neither shall any ravenous beast go up thereon. “The hind of the morning” has drawn the cruel hunters upon himself, and now the most timid roes and hinds of the field may graze at perfect peace among the lilies of his loves. The thunder-cloud has burst over the Cross of Calvary, and the pilgrims of Zion shall never be smitten by the bolts of vengeance. Come, my heart, rejoice in the immunity which thy Redeemer has secured thee, and bless his name all the day, and every day.
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