God sent His Son into the world to make known His everlasting love, even as it was known in heaven. God's existence there is in the glory of that love; all His angels are as tongues of fire overflowing with praise and worship through the power of the love that fills them. God's desire is that on this sinful earth, likewise, His love should take possession of the hearts of men.
And how was this accomplished ? By sending Christ, the Son of His love, to earth to reveal as Man the love of the Father, and win our hearts to Himself. The Lord Jesus became man and made Himself of no reputation. In His dealings with the poor and needy, and those who were unbelieving and rebellious, and through His miracles, He poured out His love into the hearts of sinful men.
With the same purpose our Lord chose the disciples to be always with Him, and to be filled with His love. With this purpose He gave on the cross the greatest proof of love that the world has ever seen. He took our sins upon Him; He bore the suffering, and the scorn of His enemies, that friend and foe alike might know God's eternal love.
And then, after He had ascended to heaven, He gave the Holy Spirit, to shed abroad this love in our hearts. The disciples, impelled by the love of Christ, in turn offered their lives to make it known to others.
O Christians, think this over: God longs to have our hearts wholly filled with His love. Then He will be able to use us as channels for this love to flow out to our fellow-men. Let us say with the Apostle Paul: "The love of Christ constraineth me" (Dutch Version—"urges"). I can be satisfied with nothing less, I will sacrifice everything to secure a place for this great love in the hearts of the children of men.