Scripture: "The four-and-twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having each one a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints."¡XREV. v. 8.
We learn here that the prayers of the saints in the Old Testament concerning the promised redemption were preserved in heaven. Here, where homage is paid to the Lamb on the Throne, these prayers are offered as incense, that He may take them up, and lay them before the Father.
The same thought is to be found in chapter eight of The Revelation. John saw an angel standing by the golden altar before the Throne, and much incense was given to him, that he should offer it with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar: "And the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints, 'went up before God out of the angel's hand" (Rev. viii. 4).
What profound and heavenly thoughts do these words awaken within us! The prayers of the saints are not answered at once. Just as men on earth accumulate money, and allow it to increase as capital for greater undertakings, so the prayers of the saints are stored up in heaven, until the measure is full, and the answer can descend.
Remember this. You do not pray alone. All over the world God's children are praying. When with perseverance and faith they entrust their prayers to the Lamb, then in His own time God will graciously send the answer. Do not think your prayer is in vain because you do not at once receive the answer. No, let your faith attach itself all the more firmly to the wonderful truth that is here revealed, that the Lamb on the Throne keeps our prayers in safety to lay them before the Father at the right time.
The Lamb is seated on the Throne of Grace with the purpose of drawing out your prayers and strengthening you through His Spirit for more prayer. Pray for the Church of God all over the world, pray for preachers and teachers; pray for all believers. Pray in love and fellowship with others who are also praying. Let your daily intercourse with God on the Throne, and with the Lamb, be a means of receiving from that Throne the rich abundant Grace for your every need, and the need of those around you in the Church and the world.