Scripture: "He shall glorify Me; for He shall take of Mine, and shall declare it unto you."¡XJOHN xvi. 14.
We have seen that Christ spoke of the gift of the Spirit as the fruit of faith in Christ. The Spirit would flow as a river from those who believed in Christ. Today we have the other side of the truth; the Spirit flows from Christ; the Spirit reveals Christ and imparts Him. This is a lesson of deep importance. Do you desire the Spirit? Have faith in Christ who bestows His Spirit. Do you desire Christ? Rely upon the Spirit to reveal Christ to you. The Spirit is sent from Christ glorified in heaven to impart Christ glorified to us upon earth, that Christ may be glorified in our hearts.
We have seen that the fulness of the Godhead dwelt in Christ in order that Christ as the life of God might dwell in us. All the life and love of God which the Spirit imparts to us is in Christ. Our whole life consists in Union with Christ. As the branch is in the vine, so are we in Christ and He in us. Our first requirement each new day is to know that Christ lives in us and that the Holy Spirit will make this an abiding reality. Count upon the quiet unseen working of the Holy Spirit in your heart.
Oh, Christian, this truth so deep and so divine is almost beyond our finite grasp. The Holy Ghost, who is God, will reveal it to us. Cling in childlike trust to Christ, confident that the Holy Spirit is working silently within you, so that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith. Make it a matter of prayer every day that "the Father may grant you to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith." Fix your heart upon Christ on the Cross, upon Christ on the throne, in childlike trust that while you do so Christ will be revealed in your heart by the Holy Ghost, and you may confi¬dently say: "Christ liveth in me¡XChrist is my life!"