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Lonely People
§@ªÌ:  Luis Palau
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        Six weeks before he died, Elvis Presley was asked by a reporter, ¡§Elvis, when you started playing music, you said you wanted three things in life: You wanted to be rich, you wanted to be famous, and you wanted to be happy. Are you happy, Elvis?¡¨

        Elvis replied, ¡§No. I¡¦m as lonely as hell.¡¨

        Rich. Famous. But lonely. At first Elvis¡¦s remark seemed offensive. But then I thought, ¡§No. It¡¦s actually well put. Hell is a lonely place.¡¨

        Maybe you, too, are that lonely. For some very lonely people, hell begins here on earth.


         Have you ever been surrounded by people, yet felt alone in the crowd? Some of the loneliest people in the world live in cities with populations reaching into the millions.

        A Chicago woman died when she jumped off the 14th floor of her apartment building. The note she left explained she killed herself because she was lonely. A reporter interviewed the woman¡¦s neighbor, who said, ¡§I wish I¡¦d known she was lonesome. I¡¦m lonesome myself.¡¨ Here were two lonely people who lived next door to each other, yet never bothered to say ¡§Hello.¡¨

        Some time ago, the Portland Oregonian printed a story about a well-known clinical psychologist who killed himself. In a note left to his staff, the psychologist said: Tonight I feel tired, alone, and suddenly very old. The full understanding of these feelings will come only when you, too, are tired, alone, and old.

        An educated man trained to help others find meaning in life failed to find it himself, and took his own life. How ironic!

         That kind of loneliness isn¡¦t merely a psychological matter. It¡¦s a spiritual problem. It is caused by our separation from God. Our attempts to hide our lonely feelings are useless because the emptiness always returns. Rejecting God causes isolation and loneliness―forever.


        We can defeat loneliness by turning to God for companionship. Jesus Christ promised that He will never leave or forsake those who commit their lives to Him. The Bible says, There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs: 18:24). This friend is Jesus Christ. By believing and putting our faith in Jesus. We can enjoy God¡¦s presence and friendship on a continuing basis. Ask Jesus Christ to fill your life with His presence and beat loneliness.

        My father died when I was 10 years old. When I was lonesome for Dad, I would sing this song I learned in a British boarding school in Argentina: ¡§The best friend to have is Jesus. The best friend to have is Jesus. If you follow every day, He will help you on the way. The best friend to have is Jesus.¡¨

        Is Jesus your best friend?


        I believe Jesus Christ is the fundamental answer to all basic problems of humanity, including loneliness. Christ can fill your lonely life with His happiness and joy. The Bible says, Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4) When we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Savior and center our lives on Him, Jesus gives us the power to rejoice always and in everything, and our loneliness dissipates!

        Jesus Christ can fill our lonely lives with His permanent peace. Our loneliness causes a wretched anxiety to tug within us. We¡¦re lonely. We hurt. We worry. This is not the kind of life God intends for us. The Bible says, Do not be anxious about anything (Philippians 4:6). Yet we fret we¡¦ll always be a lonely single or we¡¦ll never be one of the gang at work. Instead of worrying, pray and watch your loneliness fade.

         And then God gives us a wonderful promise. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). When you ask Christ to be your Friend and Savior, His peace fills your heart, and removes your loneliness and anxiety. Does your heart sometimes ache with loneliness?

         Have you ever lived and entire day without talking to anyone, or having anyone talk to you? How did you feel? Do you ever wonder if anyone cares whether you live or die?

        Jesus Christ cares! He cares so much for you that He died in your place for your sins. Jesus longs to be your Savior, to forgive your sins and to be your friend for eternity. Jesus promised, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Believe in His promise of eternal friendship and defeat loneliness forever! Jesus Christ loves you and is waiting for you to make a decision. You can ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior right now by praying:

         Dear Lord, sometimes I am so lonely that I wonder if life is worth living. Now I know that a life centered on You is the only worthwhile life. Lord Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross for my sins and then rising from the dead to give me life. I am lonely and I need You. Please be my Friend and Savior. Replace my loneliness with Your eternal friendship. Amen.



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