上帝的靈先前藉著比利戶說話,現在他親自接續說道:祂無限的知識和智慧,祂的偉大和大能,以及祂創造的奧秘和神奇。一開始上主就向約伯挑戰,為的是要他謙卑。上帝吩咐約伯「要挺胸像個大丈夫(prepare yourself like a man)」,按原文字面翻譯成「如勇士束腰(Gird up your loins)」(就像一個人繫好衣服,準備摔角或勞動)。約伯能參透上帝偉大的知識或作為嗎?全能的上帝問了約伯很多問題,藉以彰顯祂偉大無限的能力與超越,而且向他證明,人的確是軟弱的、有限的知識、理解力,及智慧都有一定的限度。這神奇的遭遇使約伯啞口無言,也必然驅使他跪了下來,痛切悔改。
Elihu confessed that when he considers God's greatness and control over the elements of nature, such as thunder and lightning, it causes his heart to tremble (37:1). Elihu taught that God uses natural means (rain, wind, snow, hail) to judge the peoples of the earth and bring correction, as well as to graciously bless the earth with food (36:31; 37:13). When God commands, the natural elements obey (37:12; 36:32), just like when the wind and waves obeyed the voice of the Lord Jesus. These same elements also declare the glory and majesty of God. Mankind seems so small and ignorant compared to God for, "He does great things which we cannot comprehend" (37:5b; Rom. 11:33-36).
Job, who had thought himself to be so very wise and knowl-edgable, was greatly humbled by Elihu's pointed questions concerning "those wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge" (37:16). Who is man to think that he can tell God what to do? All man's workings are as though they were done in darkness; they amount to nothing compared to the workings of God (37:19-20). God dwells in unapproachable light (1 Tim. 6:16). "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:5). Who then was Job that he should even try to face God. Only through Jesus can we approach the Father (cf. Exodus 33:20; John 1:18; 14:5). We are so thankful for this grace, for He has commanded His light to shine in our hearts, and in the face of Jesus we see the glory of God (2 Cor. 4:6; Heb. 1:3). Who was Job to even question God's lovingkindness or argue with Him; after all, "He is excellent in power, in judgment and abundant justice; He does not oppress" (37:23). Elihu's words of wisdom served to teach Job of his ignorance and weakness, that he might submit to God and that his heart would be prepared to receive the words of the Lord.
While Elihu spoke about God's soveriegn control over the wind and clouds, there may well have been a storm brewing to which Elihu drew their attention. Suddenly, the Lord spoke to Job from out of the whirlwind (38:1). Job had longed for God to appear and answer His questions, but he certainly did not expect it in this fashion. God did not gently pat Job on the back and proclaim his innocence and righteousness; rather, He spoke words of reproach which showed Job's ignorance and powerlessness.
God personally continued the teaching that His Spirit had led Elihu to proclaim: His infinite knowledge and wisdom, His greatness and might, and the mysteries and marvels of His creation. The Lord began by challenging Job in order to humble him. God ordered Job, "prepare yourself like a man", which is literally translated as "gird up your loins" (the action of tucking up one's robes in preparation for a wrestling match or physical labour). Could Job match God's great knowledge or deeds? The Almighty asked Job question after question which showed His great, unlimited power and transcendance, as well as demonstrating that man is truly weak, finite, and limited in knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. This confrontation caused Job to be awestruck and dumbfounded, and it must also have driven him to his knees in sorrowful repentance.
Thank You, Father, that Your light shines in our hearts and that we have seen Your glory and goodness in the face of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Draw us closer to You this day, that we might come to know You better. |