有的聖經版本將本鑰節譯為:「要努力在上帝面前作一個經得起考驗、問心無愧的工人,正確地講解上帝真理的信息」,這也是相當不錯的。不過此處我們要稍注意:保羅毫無疑問認定「因信稱義」的真理,也就是說,我們能站在上帝面前完全是憑著我們相信基督在十字架上的受難。不過,從鑰節來看,提摩太的「稱義」是絕對憑信心而得的──保羅要提摩太「努力」,是要他的生活,尤其是他的事工,能充份反映出他的信心。 提摩太事奉中一個重要的部份就是正確講解「真理的道」。因此,要以尊敬與認真的態度來研讀上帝的話語(3:16)。在研讀經文時,要避免神學家所謂Isogesis的試探──也就是把原本沒有的內容讀了進去,而不是把正確的意思給釋放出來。我們人常一次又一次地設法使聖經說出我們要它說的話,事實上只要將一節經文脫離上下文的關係(或是斷章取義),就不難達到這個目的。
Let us remember the context here: Paul is writing to one of his spiritual "sons" who is having a tough time in his first pastorate. All of us who read the letter can benefit from it as well — but the prior recipient was Timothy, a young and inexperienced preacher, teacher, and pastor.
I like the way the NIV puts it, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." There should be no misunderstanding here: Paul would be the first to say we are "justified by faith", that is, our standing in God's eyes is dependent on our faith in the work of Christ on Calvary. However, in the context, Timothy's "justification" is a given — Paul simply wants Timothy to act as an "approved" believer should act. He wants Timothy's life, and especially his work, to reflect his faith. A vital part of Timothy's work was the correct handling of "the word of truth". God's word is to be treated with respect and taken seriously (see 3:16). This means, among other things, avoiding the temptation of what theologians call "isogesis" — which simply means reading "into" the text (as contrasted to "exegesis": reading "out of" the text). From time to time, all of us would like to make Scripture say what we want it to say. This can easily be done if we isolate the text from its context.
That is why context is so important. Before reading a doctrine into the text, we must weigh it against what we know to be true from the broader doctrines of the entire Bible. Our subjective view must be tempered by the objective truth of the "whole counsel of God". Without this, we do what so many historically have done — mishandle the Word and fall into error.
Thank You, Father, for Your precious, life-giving Word, which enlightens, corrects, instructs, and guides us daily. We delight in the assurance that You are indeed faithful to give us our daily bread. |