Job gives expression to his perplexing thoughts about what he feels is injustice by God, not only as it relates to him, but from surveying the world in general. He cannot understand why the Almighty God does not bring immediate judgment to the wicked nor let His righteous people live to see their hour of vindication and God's retribution on the unrighteous. In the time of Job, progressive revelation had not yet made known the great Judgment Day to come, so Job was unaware that God would indeed punish the wicked and vindicate the righteous, but it would not always be during their lifespan (24:1).
Job described certain offenses by different classes of men, which he believed demanded immediate justice and punishment. These various crimes give us a picture of the morality of Job's day. Caring for the poor and hungry and respecting one another's possessions were very important (24:2). They were surprisingly moral, considering it was most likely before the time of Moses and God's written Holy Word, but the Lord's laws live upon the consciences of mankind, as they did in Job's heart. Job paints a heart-rending picture of the poor and oppressed and wonders why God does not charge the oppressors with wrong (24:5-12). Because of Job's poverty and suffering, he could relate to the plight of the poor and oppressed as he never could before, and because of his indignation at such atrocities, he indirectly tells Eliphaz that his accusations against him of oppressing the poor were wrong (22:5-9).
Job gives a remarkable analogy of light, which symbolizes goodness, and darkness, which symbolizes evil. The wicked offenders of decency, such as murderers, adulterers, and thieves, rebel against the light and do not even know the light. They are lovers of darkness. Job summarizes his opinion about the wicked, saying that although they prosper, in God's own timing they will be brought down to the grave like all other men (24:24). Job closes his monologue by challenging his opposition to disprove him, but his tone implies that he believes it would be impossible.
In Bildad's answer to Job, he did not reply to Job's challenge, for he likely had no answer that would be satisfactory. But since it was his turn to speak, and for want of something to say, he merely repeated the sentiments of Eliphaz (cf. 4:17-19; 15:14-16), which Job also had confirmed (9:2; 14:4), that no man is just before God. Bildad probably reiterated this fact in order to stress his belief that Job was not innocent as he claimed (23:11) and could never be vindicated or found pure in God's sight.
Considering the greatness of God, Bildad asked the question: "How then can man be righteous before God?" (25:4a). The New Testament answered his question. Man can never be justified by good works or works of the Law, but the Law can lead us to Christ, so that by faith in Him, we can be justified or made righteous (Galatians 2:16; 3:24-26; Romans 3:28; Ephesians 2:8-9). Man can be made righteous before God only by being covered with the righteousness of Christ. The source of justification is the grace of God, and the basis of our justification is the blood of Christ. His blood saves us from the wrath of God, brings us into favour with Him by imputing Christ's righteousness to us, and makes us heirs with Christ (Romans 1:17-18; 5:9; Hebrews 9:22; Titus 3:7; John 3:36).
Job replied with sarcasm, asking how Bildad's lofty words have helped him or others like him in a weak and helpless condition. He accused Bildad of speaking words that did not originate with him (26:4). Job expounded upon God's wonderous and wise ways more impressively and eloquently than did Bildad. Job showed that it is not only the majestic heavenly bodies that declare God's glory, but the underworld as well (26:5-6), and God's almighty hand controls everything in nature. He was the artistic creator of the universe; "By His Spirit He adorned the heaven's [with starry constellations]"(26:13a; Genesis 1:16). God is even more powerful than the most feared creature (Leviathan/serpent) that lives upon the earth (26:13b), just like He is more powerful than Satan, that old serpent that roams the earth seeking whom he may destroy. God's power and greatness are beyond our finite, limited understanding. As Job expressed, the knowledge we have and what we can see of His glory is only like a small whisper compared to the majestic full-toned roar of His thunder. It is clear that even through all his sufferings, Job's faith remained intact, and in fact, due to all his contemplations, his faith was growing.