使徒彼得也強調說:「你們卻要在我們主救主耶穌基督的恩典和知識上有長進」(彼後3:18)。在恩典上長進,就是說要去了解並感激耶穌的恩典,並加以應用;不只個人的信心要增長,也要與人分享。同時,在恩典上長進,也需要在知識上長進。人的心緒可以發動引擎,但是要決定汽車的方向並加以保養,也要靠心智。 我們愈認識上帝,愈變得聰明。這就是保羅把知識和見識(判斷力)視為一體的理由。人的心會產生愛上帝的情緒,心智則是告訴心為什麼要去愛。
There is a remarkable observation made by Paul in Romans 10:2. He is talking about his fellow Israelites when he says, "For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge." They were zealous but poorly informed; this sounds like a lot of present-day Christians. We're not talking about baby Christians here, but about Christians who've been believers for years but insist on staying in the playpen. Worship for them is feeding enthusiasm instead of feeding faith — swelling the heart and starving the mind.
Paul is alluding to the same phenomenon here. In this case, he's praying for the Philippians, that their love for God will grow in terms of more knowledge. He wants them to learn more about Jesus, more about righteousness, and more about purity (vv. 9-11), in order to strengthen their ability to discern not just what is good but what is best ("excellent" v. 10).
The apostle Paul emphasized the same point when he said, "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). To grow in grace means to grow in understanding and appreciation of what the grace of Christ is and its implications, not only in terms of personal faith, but evangelism. And, as is obvious, to grow in grace requires growth in knowledge. The heart may start the engine, but it is the mind that determines the car's direction and supervises its maintenance.
The more we know about God, the smarter we become. That's why Paul links knowledge with discernment. The heart may do the loving, but the mind tells the heart why God should be loved.