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A62-918 |
ª§¨úª÷µP Go For The Gold American Tract Society |
Go for the Gold.
Olympic gold, that is. The Olympic Gold medal¡Xa symbol recognized around the world as the pinnacle of athletic success. That¡¦s what the Olympics are all about. Whether it¡¦s an intricate dive or a grueling marathon, the name of the Games is winning.
Remember Mary Lou Retton? No one who saw it will forget how that young American gymnast scored not one, but two perfect ¡§tens¡¨ on the vaulting horse to capture the title of best all-around woman gymnast. Or how about Carl Lewis? His gold medals in the broad jump, the 100 and 200 meter dashes, and the 400 meter relay epitomize for many the glory of Olympic triumph.
But what happens to those who don¡¦t bring home the Olympic Gold, who don¡¦t win¡Xthe runner who pulls up lame 50 yards from the tape; the gymnast who loses her balance and in just two or three seconds her chance for the coveted medal? The victor gets the thrill, but agony awaits the defeated. At the Olympics, as in much of life, only winning seems to count.
But there are two big problems with winning.
First, very few will ever make it. For every athlete who captures a gold medal, hundreds of others will go away empty-handed. And those hundreds of ¡¨losers¡¨ won over thousands of other athletes just to get to the Olympics. For instance, a previous U.S. marathon trial drew 176 runners; only 3 qualified!
Those are pretty harsh odds, but life is often like that. The old adage, ¡§there¡¦s always room at the top,¡¨ may be true, but for most of us it doesn¡¦t help! The world only allows for one winner at a time. There¡¦s only one chair in the boss¡¦s office, only a handful of members at the Millionaires Club. Judged by those standards, many of us will never make it.
The other problem with winning plagues even the winners. Victory itself is very temporary. Today¡¦s winner already faces the risk of becoming tomorrow¡¦s loser. Even an Olympic champion can¡¦t savor his triumph too long.
In this, too, athletics is very close to life. Even as you hold it, victory evaporates. Marathon runner Alberto Salazar has said it very well. ¡§Fame is just an illusion. It means nothing.¡¨
Salazar isn¡¦t the first winner to discover that winning is a mist. Almost 3,000 years ago another winner, King Solomon¡Xprobably the richest man who ever live¡Xwarned, ¡§ Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone¡Koff to the sky like an eagle¡¨ (Proverbs:23:5)
So winning is reserved for the few, and even their victories pass with the night. Does anyone, then, have a word of hope for those of us on the sidelines¡Xand those beside us who once stood on the winner¡¦s platform?
Yes! There¡¦s good news. Another race is being run, and we¡¦re all entered. The stakes are incredibly high¡Xlife itself and eternity. Fortunately, the rules are completely different.
For one thing, everyone can win!
More amazingly, you don¡¦t have to train to win. You don¡¦t need to be stronger, smarter or even better than the other runners. In fact, you have to admit your unfitness for the race!
But there¡¦s more. The Judge for this race¡XGod Himself¡Xalso crowns the winners. The prize? Salvation. Complete pardon, full release from the guilt of sin and its sure consequence¡Xdeath.
¡§For the wages of sin is death,¡¨ the Bible says, ¡§but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord¡¨(Romans 6:23)
You see, Christ¡¦s death on the cross paid the complete penalty for our sins. Three days later He rose from the dead, demonstrating his ability to offer us eternal life.
That¡¦s right. Eternal life is also part of the prize. The winners in this race keep their prize forever!
Here¡¦s your opportunity to be a winner in the only race that really matters. How do you win?
1.Admit the truth of Romans 3:23 ¡§For all have sinned¡K¡¨
2.Ask Christ to save you: ¡§Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved¡¨ (Romans 10:13)
3.Claim your victory! The Bible says that if you ¡§believe in the name of the Son of God¡Kyou may know that you have eternal life¡¨ (1 John 5:13). That¡¦s God¡¦s promise to you when you place your trust in Christ for salvation!
If you have just made that decision, why not write us so that we can share in the joy of your victory?

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