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A62-904 |
¤W«ÒÃö¤ß§AHe Cares George E. Sadler |
A store advertisement once asked the question, ¡§ Who cares?¡¨, and gave the answer, ¡§We care.¡¨ You may be asking that question now in your hour of trial. ¡§Who cares? Does anyone care about me in my present need?¡¨
Many years ago David, the Psalmist, expressed a similar feeling: ¡§Look to my right and see; no one is concerned for me. I have no refuge; no one cares for my life¡¨ (Psalm 142:4)
But there is good news! There is One who cares about you and wants to be your closest friend. Man may fail you when the going is hard, but God never fails those who put their trust in Him. The Apostle Peter wrote, ¡§Cast all your anxiety on [God] because He cares for you¡¨ (1 Peter 5:7) Whatever your burden may be at this hour, will you not let God bear it? He has proved to countless thousands through the years to be¡K
A Loving Friend
The Bible tells us that ¡§ a friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity¡¨ (Proverbs 17:17). God is not unaware of your burden. His love reaches out to you at this moment. The Word of God speaks of the love of God in these words: ¡§This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son [Jesus Christ] as an atoning sacrifice for our sins¡¨ (1 John 4:10)
God has permitted this trial to come into your life so that you might turn to Him and receive His love in Christ. Someone has said, ¡§God often digs wells of joy with the spade of sorrow.¡¨ God¡¦s wonderful love in Christ can change a dark outlook to a bright one in times of trial. His love can chase away the shadows of gloom and turn your night into day.
Dear one, I know your sorrows,
Your every trial I share;
I know how you are tested,
And what is more¢wI care.
God has also proved Himself to be¡K
A Lasting Friend
God¡¦s love and care for you is unchangeable. You can depend upon His faithfulness to give you strength to meet each new day with its trials and burdens¢w¡¨Your strength will equal your days¡¨ (Deuteronomy 33:25)
The story is told of a hard-working man who fell on difficult days. Through no fault of his own he lost his health and savings, and at last his family faced ruin. A rich man heard of his plight and sent him an envelope of money with a note attached which read, ¡§More to follow.¡¨ After a few days another envelope arrived with a gift and a always the cheering assurance for each new day--¡¨ More to follow.¡¨
Who cares about you in your present need? God cares. His love for you ws supremely seen when Christ died for you. ¡§Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends¡¨ (John 15:13). Will you not let God prove to be a loving a lasting friend to you? The Bible invites you now to ¡§cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you¡¨ (Psalm 55:22).
George E. Sadler

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