Scripture: "Ye received the Word of God, as it is in truth, the Word of God that worketh effectually in you that believe."¡X1 THESS. ii. 13.
"The words that I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life."¡XJOHN vi. 63.
"The Word of Cod is living and active."¡XHEB. iv. 12.
The question constantly recurs: What is the reason that God's children so little realize the great value and absolute necessity of brotherly love? One answer is: Because of unbelief. Without faith, great faith, persevering faith, there can be no thought of the power of love within us. But it is a different faith from what we usually mean, when we say we believe in God's Word. This true faith is deeper and higher. It bows before God in the deep realization of His greatness, of His power to work wonders in our hearts, and of His loving care of us. The word of a king, or a general, has great influence over his soldiers. And how great beyond compare is the Word of the Infinite and Almighty One!
It is necessary to be deeply convinced of our utter inability to produce this love, which is holy, and can conquer sin and unbelief. We need a burning desire to receive this heavenly love into our hearts whatever the cost may be. Then at length we shall gain an insight into what God's Word is, as a living power in our hearts. This supernatural power will be the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, living and working within us.
In the following portion we shall consider the verses from the first Epistle of John, in which the love of God is promised to believers. Let each Christian ask himself, is he ready to acknowledge his deep sinfulness and want of power, and to yield his heart unreservedly for this love to take possession? And, above all, take time in God's presence to wait on Him in the confidence that His Word will work effectually in us, as a seed of new life. Then we shall love our Lord Jesus, and our brethren, with a love like that with which God has loved us.