Scripture: "Being assembled together with them, He charged them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father." ACTS i. 4. R. V.
The second mark of the Church is to be found in the disciples whom the Lord had prepared to receive His Spirit and to be His witnesses.
If we would understand aright the outpouring of the Spirit in answer to the prayer of the disciples, we must above all ask: What was there in these men that fitted them for such powerful, effectual prayer, and the wonderful fulfilment of the promise that came to them ? They were simple, unlearned men with many faults, whom the Lord had called to forsake all and follow Him. They had done this, as far as they could; they followed Him in the life He led and the work He did. Though there was much sin in them, and they had as yet no power fully to deny themselves, their hearts clung to Him in deep sincerity. In the midst of much stumbling they, yet followed Him to the cross. They shared with Him His death; unconsciously, but most really, they died with Him to sin, and were raised with Him in the power of a new life. It was this that fitted them for the power in prayer, and the being clothed with the power from on high.
Let this be the test by which we try ourselves, whether we have indeed surrendered to the fellowship of Christ's sufferings and death, and whether we have hated our own life and crucified it, and have received the power of Christ's life in us. It is this that will give us liberty to believe that God will hear our prayer too, and give us His Holy Spirit to work in us what we and He desire, if we are indeed with one accord to take up the disciples' prayer, and to share in the answer. We must, like them, be willing learners in the school of Jesus, and seek above everything that intimate fellowship with Him, that will fit us for praying the prayer of Pentecost, and receiving its answer.