Scripture: "The Spirit of truth, He shall testify of Me, and ye shall also bear witness, because ye have been with Me from the be¬ginning."¡XJOHN xv. 26, 27.
My witnesses¡Xthat not only refers to all believers, but very specially to all ministers of the Gospel. This is the high calling, and also the only power of the preacher of the Gospel¡Xin everything to be a witness for Jesus.
This gives us two great truths. The first, that with all that the preacher teaches from the Word of God, or according to the need of his congregation, he must first of all place the preaching of Christ Himself. This is what the first disciples did. "They ceased not in every house to teach and to preach Jesus Christ." This was what Philip did at Samaria. "He preached Christ unto them." And so Paul writes: "I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified."
The minister of the Gospel may never forget that it is for this specially that he has been set apart, to be with the Holy Spirit a witness for Christ. It is as he does this that sinners will find salvation, that God's children will be sanctified and fitted for His service. It is thus alone that Christ can have His place in the heart of His people and in the world around.
But there is a second thought of not less importance. And that is, that the teaching must ever be a personal testimony from experience to what Christ is and can do. As this note is sounded, the Holy Spirit carries the message as a living reality to the heart. It is this that will build up believers so that they can walk in such fellowship with Jesus Christ that He can reveal Himself through them. And it is this that will lead them to the knowledge of the indispensable secret of spiritual health¡Xthe prayer life in daily fellowship, in childlike love, and true consecration with the Father and the Son.
What abundant matter for prayer union, to cultivate among believers and ministers that joy of the Holy Ghost in which, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth, speaks to the praise and glory of our ever-blessed Redeemer, Jesus Christ our Lord.