Scripture: "Ye shall be My Witnesses."¡XACTS i. 8.
The fourth mark of Christ's Church, His servants are to be Witnesses to Him, ever testifying of His wonderful love, of His power to redeem, of His continual abiding presence, and of His wonderful power to work in them.
This is the only weapon that the King allows His redeemed ones to use. Without claiming authority or power, without wisdom or eloquence, without influence or position, each one is called, not only by his words, but by his life and action, to be a living proof and witness of what Jesus can do.
This is to be the only weapon they are to use in conquering men and bringing them to the feet of Christ. This is what the first disciples did. When they were filled with the Spirit they began to speak of the mighty things that Christ had done.
It was in this power that those who were scattered abroad by persecution went forth, even as far as Antioch, preaching in the name of Jesus, so that a multitude of the heathen believed. They had no commission from the Apostles; they had no special gifts or training, but out of the fulness of the heart they spoke of Jesus Christ. They could not be silent; they were filled with the life and the love of Christ, and could not but witness to Him.
It was this that gave the Gospel its power of increase; every new convert became a witness for Christ.
A heathen writer tells later in regard to the persecutions, that if the Christians were only content to keep the worship of Jesus to themselves they would not have to suffer. But in their zeal they wanted Christ to rule over all.
Here we have the secret of a flourishing Church: every believer a witness for Jesus. Here we have the cause of the weakness of the Church: so few who are willing in daily life to testify that Jesus is Lord.
What a call to prayer! Lord, teach Thy disciples the blessedness of so knowing Jesus and the power of His love, that they may find their highest joy in witnessing to what He is and has done for them.