Scripture: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My thought, higher than your thoughts."¡XISA. Iv. 9.
In giving us His promises of what He will work in us, God reminds us that, as high as the heavens are above the earth so high His thoughts are above ours¡Xaltogether beyond our power of spiritual living apprehension.
When He tells us that we are made in the image of God, that by grace we are actually renewed again into that image, and a: we gaze upon God's glory in Christ, we are changed into the same image as by the Spirit of the Lord: this is indeed a thought higher than the heavens. When He tells Abraham of all the mighty work He was to do in him, and in his seed, and through him in all the nations of the earth, that again is a thought higher than the heavens¡Xman's mind could not take it in. When God calls us to love Him with all our heart, and promises to renew our hearts so that they shall love Him with all our strength, that again is a thought out of the very heights of heaven. And when the Father calls us to a life here on earth in the light of His face and rejoicing in His Name all the day, we have a gift out of the very depths of God's heart of love.
What deep reverence and humility and patience become us in waiting upon God by His Holy Spirit, to impart to our hearts the life and the light that can make us feel at home with these thoughts dwelling in us. What need of daily, tender, abiding fellowship with God, if we are in 'very deed to enter into His mind, and to have His thoughts make their home in us. And what a faith especially is needed to believe that God will not only reveal the beauty and the glory of these thoughts, but will actually so mightily work in us that their Divine reality and blessing shall indeed fill our inmost being.
Just think of what Isaiah says, as quoted by Paul (1 Cor. ii. 9) : Things which eye saw not, and ear heard not, and which entered not into the heart of man, whatsoever things God prepared for them that love Him. But unto us God revealed them through the Spirit. When Christ promised His disciples that the Holy Spirit from the throne in heaven should dwell with them, He said that the Spirit would glorify Him, would fill us with the light and life of the heavenly world. It was that that would make Him and the purposes of God, higher than the heavens above the earth, their abiding experience. O my soul, seek to realize that every day the Holy Spirit will fill thy heart with the thoughts of God in all their heavenly power and glory.