Scripture: "And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and your spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, Who will also do it."~l THESS. v. 23, 24. R. V.
What a promise! One would expect to see all God's children clinging to it, claiming its fulfilment. Alas, unbelief does not know what to think of it, and but few count it their treasure and joy.
Just listen. God, the God of peace¡Xthe peace He made by the blood of the cross, the peace that passeth all understanding, keeping our hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus¡Xnone other but Himself can and will do it. This God of peace Himself promises to sanctify us, to sanctify us wholly, in Christ our sanctification, in the sanctification of the Spirit. It is God who is doing the work. It is in close, personal fellowship with God Himself that we become holy.
Ought not each of us to rejoice with exceeding joy at the prospect? But it is as if the promise is too great, and so it is repeated and amplified. May your spirit¡Xthe inmost part of our being, created for fellowship with God¡Xand your soul, the seat of the life and all its powers¡Xand body, through which sin entered, in which sin proved its power even unto death, but which has been redeemed in Christ: spirit, soul, and body be preserved entire, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To prevent the possibility of any misconception, as if it is too great to be literally true, the words are added: "Faithful is He that calleth you. Who will also do it." Yes, He hath said: "I the Lord have spoken it; and I, in Christ and through the Holy Spirit, will do it." All that He asks is that we shall come and abide in close fellowship with Himself every day. As the heat of the sun shines on the body and warms it, the fire of His holi¬ness will burn in us, and make us holy. Child of God, beware of unbelief. It dishonours God, it robs your soul of its heritage. Take refuge in the word: "Faithful is He that calleth you, Who will also do it." Let every thought of your high and holy calling wake the response: "Faithful is He that calleth you, Who will also do it." Yes, He will do it; and He will give me grace so to abide in His nearness that I can ever be under the cover of His perfect peace, and of the holiness which He alone can give. O my soul, He will do it.
"All things are possible to him that believeth." I believe, Lord; help my unbelief.