Scripture: "Abide in Me, and I in you."¡XJOHN xv. 4.
What our Lord had taught in John xiv., of the union with Him in the likeness of His being in the Father, He seeks to enforce and illustrate by the wonderful Parable of the Branch and the Vine. And all for the sake of bringing home to the Apostles, and to all His servants in the Gospel, the absolute necessity of a life daily in full communion with Him. "Abide in Me."
On the one hand He points to Himself and to the Father: Just as truly and fully as I am in the Father, so you are in Me; and then, pointing to the vine: Just as truly as the branch is in the vine, you are in Me. And now, just as the Father abides in Me, and works in Me, and I work out what He works in Me; and just as truly as the branch abides in the vine, and the vine gives its life and strength to the branch, and the branch receives it and puts it forth in fruit¡Xeven so do you abide in Me, and receive My strength; and I will work with an almighty power My work in you and through you. Abide in Me!
Dear child of God, you have often meditated on this blessed passage. But do you not feel how much there is still to learn if you are to have Christ's almighty power working in you as He would wish you to have? The great need is to take time in waiting on the Lord Jesus in the power of His Spirit, until the two great truths get the complete mastery of your being: As Christ is in God¡Xthis is the testimony from heaven; as the branch is in the vine¡Xthis is the testimony of all nature: the law of heaven and the law of earth combine in calling to us: "Abide in Christ." "He that abideth in Me, bringeth forth much fruit." Fruit, more fruit, much fruit, is what Christ seeks, is what He works, is what He will assuredly give to the soul that trusts Him.
To the feeblest of God's children Christ says: Ye are in Me. "Abide in Me. Ye shall bear much fruit." To the strongest of His messengers He still has the word, there can be nothing higher: "Abide in Me, and ye shall bear much fruit." To one and all the message comes: Daily, continuous, unbroken abiding in Christ Jesus, is the one condition of a life of power and of blessing. Take time and let the Holy Spirit so renew in you the secret abiding in Him that you may understand the meaning of His words: "These things have I spoken unto you that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."
"Believest Thou that I can do this, to keep thee abiding in My love?" "Yea, Lord"¡X"Fear not, only believe."