Scripture: "In that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in Me, and I in you."¡XJOHN xiv. 20.
Our Lord had spoken of His life in the Father: "Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me." He and the Father were not two persons next each other; they were in each other; though on earth as man, He lived in the Father.
All He did was what the Father did in Him.
This Divine life of heaven, of Christ in God, and God in Christ, is the picture and the pledge of what our life in Christ is to be here upon earth. It is in the very nature of the Divine life that the Son is in the Father. Even so we must know and ever live in the faith that we are in Christ. Then we shall learn, that even as the Father worked in Christ, so Christ will also work in us, if we but believe that we are in Him, and yield ourselves to His power.
And even as the Son waited on the Father, and the Father worked through Him, so the disciples would make known to Him in prayer what they wanted done on earth, and He would do it. Their life in Him was to be the reflection of His life in the Fa¬ther. As the Father worked in Him, because He lived in the Father, so Christ would work in them as they lived in Him. But this would not be until the Holy Spirit came. It was for this they had to wait until they were endued with the power from on high. It was for this that they would abide in Him by daily fellowship and prayer that He might so do in them the greater works He had promised.
How little the Church understands that the secret of her power is to be found in nothing less than where Christ found it, abiding in the Father and His love. How little ministers under¬stand to make this their one great object, daily and hourly to abide in Christ, as the only possible way of being fitted and used by Him in the great work of winning souls to Him. If anyone asks what the lost secret of the pulpit is, we have it here: "In that day"¡Xwhen the Spirit fills your heart¡X"ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in Me."
Blessed Lord, we beseech Thee, teach us to surrender ourselves unreservedly to the Holy Spirit; and so daily above everything to wait for His teaching, that we too may know the blessed secret, that as Thou art in the Father, and the Father worketh through Thee, so we are in Thee, and Thou workest through us.
Gracious Lord, we beseech Thee humbly and fervently, be pleased to pour down upon all Thy children who are seeking to work for Thee, such a Spirit of grace and of supplication that we may not rest until we too are filled with the Holy Spirit.