Scripture: "Every day will I bless Thee."¡XPs. cxlv. 2.
It is a step forward in the Christian life when one definitely decides to seek to have fellowship with God in His Word each day without fail. His perseverance will be crowned with success, if he is really in earnest. His experience may be somewhat as follows:
On waking in the morning, God will be his first thought. He must set apart a time for prayer, and resolve to give God time to hear his requests, and to reveal Himself to him. Then he may speak out all his desires to God, and expect an answer.
Later on in the day, even if only for a few minutes, he will take time to keep up the fellowship with God. And again in the evening, a quiet period is necessary to review the day's work, and with confession of sin receive the assurance of forgiveness, and dedicate himself afresh to God and His service.
Such an one will gradually get an insight into what is lacking in his life, and will be ready to say: Not only "every day" but "all the day." He will realize that the Holy Spirit is in him unceasingly, just as his breathing is continuous. In the inner cham¬ber he will make it his aim to gain the assurance through faith that the Holy Spirit, and the Lord Jesus, and the Father Himself will grant His presence and help all through the day.
All the day! Christian, the Holy Spirit says: "Today." "Behold, now is the accepted time!" A man who had undergone a serious operation, asked his doctor, "How long will I have to He here?" And the answer came: "Only a day at a time." And that is the law of the Christian life. God gave the manna daily, the morning and evening sacrifice on the altar¡Xby these God showed that his children should live by the day. Seek this day to trust to the leading of the Holy Spirit the whole day. You need not care for the morrow, but rest in the assurance that He who has led you today, will draw still nearer tomorrow.