Scripture: "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart."¡XJER. xxix. 13.
You have often heard it said that if one seeks to perform any great work, he must do it with his whole heart and with all his powers. In worldly affairs this is the secret of success and of victory. And above all in divine things it is indispensable, especially in praying for the Holy Spirit.
I cannot too earnestly or too urgently repeat that the Holy Spirit desires to have full possession of you. He can be satisfied with nothing less if He is to show His full power in your life. He has the right. Why? Because He is the Almighty God.
Have you ever realized when you pray for the Holy Spirit, that you are praying for the whole Godhead to take possession of you? Do you really understand this? Or have your prayers had a wrong motive? Were you expecting that God would do something in your heart, but for the rest you must be free to do your own will? That would be a great mistake. The Holy Spirit must have full possession.
You say, that is just the trouble. You do not feel such a burn¬ing, urgent desire as you ought, and you do not see any chance of its becoming true in your life. God knows about this impotence of yours; He has ordained in His divine Providence that the Holy Spirit shall work within you all you need. What God commands and demands of us, He will Himself work within us. On our part there must be the earnest prayer to the Father each day, and an acceptance of the Holy Spirit as our Leader and Guide.
Child of God, the Holy Spirit longs to possess you wholly. Take time to give Him your answer, and cast yourself in complete dependence and impotence on the word of His promise, and on His Almighty power at work within you.