Scripture: "Ye that are the Lord's remembrancers, take ye no rest and give Him no rest, till He make Jerusalem a praise in the earth."¡X ISAIAH Ixii. 6, 7.
What an unspeakable grace to be allowed to deal with God in intercession for the supply of the need of others!
What a blessing, in close union with Christ to take part in His great work as Intercessor, and to mingle my prayers with His! What an honour to have power with God in heaven over souls, and to obtain for them what they do not know or think'
What a privilege, as a steward of the grace of God, to bring to Him the state of the Church or of individual souls, of the ministers of the Word, or His messengers away in heathendom, and plead on their behalf till He entrusts me with the answer!
What blessedness, in union with other children of God, to strive together in prayer until the victory is gained over difficulties here on earth, or over the powers of darkness in high places!
It is indeed worth living for, to know that God will use me as an intercessor, to receive and dispense here on earth His heavenly blessing, and above all the power of His Holy Spirit.
This is in very deed the life of heaven, the life of the Lord Jesus Himself, in His self-denying love, taking possession of me and urging me to yield myself wholly to bear the burden of souls before Him, and to plead that they may live.
Too long have we thought of prayer simply as a means for the supplying of our need in life and service. May God help us to see what a place intercession takes in His Divine counsel, and in His work for the Kingdom. And may our hearts indeed feel that there is no honour or blessedness on earth at all equal to the unspeakable privilege of waiting upon God and bringing down from heaven, and of opening the way on earth for the blessing He delights to give!
O my Father, let Thy life indeed flow down to this earth, and fill the hearts of Thy Children! As the Lord Jesus pours out His love in His unseasing intercession in heaven, let it even be thus with us also upon earth, a life of overflowing love and never ending intercession. AMEN.