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¼}¦w¼w¯P¨C¤éÆF­× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

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Scripture: "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth." ¡X REV. v. 10.

        The four-and-twenty elders sang the new song that all those who are redeemed may now join in singing. If we take part with all our hearts in the Song of the Lamb, we shall realize that we are priests of the Throne of Grace. As priests we worship God and the Lamb, and with hearts full of adoration may approach the Throne of the Lamb for ourselves and others. As kings we receive the abundance of grace that we may reign in life, over sin and the power of the world, so that we may bring liberty to the captives. Such an overcoming life on earth will form and pre¬pare us for sitting with Christ on His throne (Rev. iii. 21).

        Let all who read this take to heart the great thought : I come to the Throne of Grace, not only to receive the abundant grace for my own needs, but to be strengthened and fitted for taking that grace to others. How can God, how can the Lamb, make known the glory of the Throne of Grace to those who sit in darkness? By means of those who know the Throne of Grace, and will offer themselves wholly to the service of that Throne, and are willing to share their experience with others. The Throne of Grace will become more precious to us, as we understand that abundant grace will work within us in greater power, when we give our lives to make this salvation known to others.

        Then the Song of the Lamb will acquire a new meaning for us : "Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath -made us kings and priests unto God; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever" (Rev. i. 5, 6). We shall realize that it is worth while living as men ready to fulfil a heavenly calling.

        O my brother, the Lamb on the Throne has chosen you to see Him upon the Throne, and to make Him and His love known to others. Grace demands this of you ; grace will strengthen you with heavenly power and joy. Let this grace for yourself and others be sufficient for your daily fellowship with the Lamb on the Throne.
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