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¼}¦w¼w¯P¨C¤éÆF­× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

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Scripture: "Thou shalt call His Name Jesus, for He shall save His peo¬ple from their sins."¡XMATT. i. 21

        As the Lord Jesus was a person, He had His own individual name. His mother, His disciples, all His friends called Him by this name¡XJesus. But they probably thought little of what that name meant. And how little do the majority of Christians know what a treasure is contained in that name¡XJesus¡X "He shall save His people from their sins."
        Many think of His death on the cross, they think of His work in heaven as Intercessor, but do they, or do we, realize that He is a living Person in heaven, who thinks of us each day, and longs to reveal Himself ? And He desires us each day to bring Him our love and adoration.
        Christians pray to Christ to save them from their sins, but they know very little how the blessed work is done. The living Christ reveals Himself to us, and through the power of His love the love of sin is expelled. It is through personal fellowship with Him that Jesus saves from our sins. I must come as an individ¬ual, with my heart and all the sin that is in it to Jesus as an Al¬mighty personal Saviour, in Whom God's holiness dwells. And as He and I commune together in the expression of mutual love and desire, by the work of His Holy Spirit in my heart, His love will expel and conquer all the sin.
        O Christian, learn the blessedness of each day in fellowship with Jesus finding the secret of happiness and holiness. Your heart will long for the hour of prayer as the best hour of the day. As you learn to go apart with Him alone each day, you will ex¬perience His presence with you, enabling you all through the day to love Him, to serve Him, and to walk in His ways. Through this unbroken fellowship you will learn the secret of the power of a truly godly life.
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